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Life in Arizona is already plenty hot in the summer, but recent changes in weather patterns are making drought and water scarcity alarmingly more common. Most of us are desperate to retain our green lawns and lush foliage—but that becomes

increasingly difficult without plenty of water!

There’s actually a term to describe those kinds of plants—even flowering plants!—that are draught-resistant: xeriscape. These kinds of plants thrive in areas with little rainfall, sandy soils, and excellent drainage.

So it’s useful to think about incorporating xeriscapes when landscaping (“xeriscaping”) here in Arizona—using the kinds of plants that can endure extended dry spells and overly hot days but still retain their beauty and aesthetic appeal.

Although there are a surprising number of attractive plants that can flourish in harsh conditions, below are just a few to consider when xeriscaping for water conservation. To make certain these plants will work in your yard, though, it’s always best to consult your landscaping expert—and visit the free site provided by the USDA Agricultural Research Service that has an interactive map of “Plant Hardiness Zones”: https://planthardiness.ars.usda.gov

Yes, It IS possible to cultivate a stunningly beautiful yard that requires very little water—IF you plan it well with the right kind of xeriscapes that are suitable for your climate zone and soil conditions. Here are just a few to get you excited about saving water while still enjoying a colorful display:

*Red Hot Poker: This exotic-looking spiked red flower is spectacular and showy, preferring a sandy loam soil with excellent drainage. They are easy to grow and always a draw.

*Lavender: Best known for its fragrant aroma, this easy-to-care-for plant is suitable for a variety of landscape settings, including areas prone to draught.

*Black Eyed Susan: This happy, sunny plant is surprisingly heat and drought tolerant, plus it brightens any yard or garden all summer long.

*Sedum: This cheerful yellow-flowered plant is considered one of the easiest to grow, needing very little attention or care once established. It thrives in conditions that other plants won’t.

*Succulents, such as Yuccas & Agaves: It’s always a good bet to include indigenous plants in your yard, and there are obviously a wide range of succulents and cacti that, with the right landscaping planning, provide visual appeal but require minimum care.

*Butterfly Weed: Not only does this colorful plant provide nourishment for Monarch caterpillars, it adds attractive color to your yard with its bright orange cluster flowers and is draught tolerant.

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